Wednesday, April 21, 2010

I was asked to review the book "Will the World end in 2012, a Christian to the question everyone is asking".

As a Christian, I was very interested in reading this book as the subtitle peaked my interest "A Christian Guide to the Question Everyone's Asking". If you have not heard all the talk about December 21, 2012 as the possible end of the world, I assume you must be living in a cave in Ethiopia or something. As I read through the first several chapters, I was not sure where the "Christian's guide" was as it is more like a analytical analysis of all the 2012 so called prophecies that exist. All the details about the Mayan calendar all the way to the different religion's interpretations of end time prophecies.

Dr. Hundley does an amazingly good job summarizing each of the possible 2012 scenarios that everyone is talking about and gives his conclusion after each. Some being debunked and some being noted as reasonable. It is not until the last chapter that Dr. Hundley really brings up the fact that he is a Christian and points out what he really thinks about 2012 as being the potential end.

If you are looking for pure fact and details around all the 2012 mania, the book covers that. If you are looking, as a Christian, for what to tell others about the 2012 talk, it does does that extremely well at the end.

Quick read, very well researched and closes with a strong Christian message.

This book was provided for review by Thomas Nelson Publishers.

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